Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

The Se Cathedral

in Goa, India

The Se Cathedral was built to commemorate the victory of the Portuguese under Afonso de Albuquerque over a Muslim army, leading to the capture of the city of Goa in 1510. Since the day of the victory happened to be on the feast of Saint Catherine, the cathedral was dedicated to her.
It was commissioned by Governor George Cabral to be enlarged in 1552 on the remains of an earlier structure. Construction of the church began in 1562 in the reign of King Dom Sebastião. The cathedral was completed in 1619 and was consecrated in 1640.
The architecture style of the Se Cathedral is Portuguese-Manueline. The exterior is Tuscan, whereas the interior is Corinthian.

Kommentare 24


Ordner India, Sri Lanka
Views 5.128


Kamera Canon PowerShot SX50 HS
Objektiv Unknown 4-215mm
Blende 4
Belichtungszeit 1/1000
Brennweite 5.9 mm
ISO 80

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